關於 About Exhale Fans

Exhale Fans 源自美國的專利設計。打破傳統吊式風扇要坐在風扇的範圍下才可享受到涼風。
Exhale Fans 的獨特設計, 使風扇沒有扇葉, 改為轉動一個天花板上的圓盤來產生層流運動,使空氣向外並沿牆向下移動,即使空氣可均勻地環繞整個房間流動,當空氣分子於房間流動了一次後會返回風扇的中間。
傳統吊扇風只會吹同一方向,時間一長會產生頭痛。醫師發現不少人因為電扇吹頭,造成肌肉疼痛,還有人的痛點會轉移到,腰部下背部都跟著痛。物理治療師簡文仁表示:「風吹的話它的風壓對我們的經皮神經是個刺激,這個經皮神經刺激的話,等於局部部位的經皮神經持續受到刺激,時間短還無妨,時間一長的話,30分鐘50分鐘這個部位也會引起痠痛。」Exhale Fans 可以避免以長時間使用風扇所產生的疼症。
Exhale Fans 可調節整個房間的溫度,保持空氣流通、省電、環保、設計時尚,是傳統吊扇的最佳代替品及冷氣機的最佳夥伴 !

The vortex airflow profile generated by the Exhale fan is unmatched in the ceiling fan industry. Exhale Fans utilizes a Patented 360° Laminar Airflow Vortex generating an unmatched level of comfort never seen before in the ceiling fan industry. Air is not simply directed straight down, but air moves around the room in a 360° horizontal flow. This cyclonic airflow multiplies as the Exhale runs, mixing all the air in the room. The Vortex airflow stabilizes the temperature reducing stress on your air conditioning or heating system. Fewer cycles on your HVAC system results in lower heating and cooling bills. Whether its Blades or Foils, the Exhale Fans Vortex AirFlow provides a superior uninterrupted and effi-cient flow of air that is un-matched form any traditional ceiling fan.