四季適用 For Every Season

四季適用 For Every Season

春秋二季使用Exhale Fans ,可將室內、外空氣互動交流,令房間保持清新通爽。
夏天時Exhale Fans 是空調的最好拍檔,二者並用,更可節能省電。整個房間保持恆溫,清涼的微風環繞整個房間流動著。
Exhale Fans 也適合在冬天使用。只需將暖爐放至Exhale Fans 中間,令熱空氣隨Exhale Fans 上升並以360度流向整個房間,令房間每個角落也感受到温暖。誰不希望可以令冷氣和暖爐以最少的能源發揮最大的作用?無論室內空間的大小,也可以在最大限度內使用冷氣和暖爐。Exhale Fans 使用最少的能源,而且可以讓空氣流通更好,從而冷卻或加熱的空間。讓Exhale Fans 改善室內的溫度,並更減少你的使用成本!

You do not have to be near your heater. Are temperatures falling where you are? Exhale Fans really shine in the cooler months, stabilising air temperature in rooms and making you feel warmer! And there is no draft of air blowing down on you like traditional ceiling fans!
How to use Exhale Fans in Winter seasons? According to Enlightenme.com, “Using your ceiling fan should allow you to turn down the furnace a few degrees. Heat tends to rise toward the ceiling where it doesn’t do much good. The ceiling fan will mix the warm air back into the room, meaning you’ll need the furnace to come on less often.”
Who doesn’t want to save money on heating and cooling costs? Dependent upon where you live and the size of your home, these can be large expenses in your budget. Exhale Fans uses minimal energy but allows the air to circulate better, thus cooling or warming your space. Let Exhale Fans improve the temperature in your room and positively impact your utility costs!